Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style: Visual, Auditory, or kinaesthetic?

Understanding the way your child learns is a key aspect of fostering their academic growth and love for learning. Each child is unique, and this uniqueness extends to the way they engage with, understand, and retain information. Understanding your child’s learning style can not only improve their academic performance but also boost their confidence and enjoyment in learning.

The concept of learning styles is rooted in the observation that people learn in different ways. Some children might learn best by reading and looking at graphics or images, others might prefer to listen to information, while some might learn best through touch, movement, and hands-on work.

By identifying and understanding your child’s learning style early, you can tailor their learning experiences to their personal strengths. Finding your child’s learning style in Nursery can help prepare them for school.

In this blog, we’ll explore the three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic. We’ll delve into how you can identify these styles in your child and provide some helpful strategies to nurture their specific learning style. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey to better understand your child’s learning preferences and needs.

Understanding Learning Styles

Learning styles are essentially the methods by which individuals naturally prefer to learn. They are often categorized into three types: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Each of these styles represents a different way of interacting with and processing information. Understanding these styles can help you recognise your child’s learning preferences and provide support in a way that matches their natural tendencies.

The concept of learning styles is not new. It has been explored and discussed by educators and psychologists for decades, and while it’s not a foolproof or exclusive way to understand a child’s learning, it provides a valuable lens through which to view and support a child’s education.

It’s important to note that everyone uses a mix of learning styles, and one style is not inherently better than another. They simply represent different ways of processing information.

Identifying your child’s predominant learning style can make a significant difference in their education. By tailoring the way information is presented to your child’s learning style, you can increase comprehension, retention, and interest. Whether your child is a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner, understanding their learning style can unlock their full academic potential.

The Visual Learner

Visual learners engage with information best when they can see it. They tend to think in pictures and have a strong ability to remember what they read or see. Visual learners often appreciate diagrams, charts, illustrations, and written instructions. They might like to take detailed notes, draw mind maps, or use flashcards when studying.

For instance, if you’re helping your child learn about the water cycle, a visual learner might benefit from looking at a detailed diagram of the cycle, reading a description of the process, or even drawing their own version of the water cycle. These visual aids provide a concrete reference point for the learner and can make abstract concepts more tangible.

To support visual learners, try to incorporate visuals into their learning whenever possible. Use educational videos, colourful diagrams, and encourage them to create their own visual aids. When discussing new concepts, it can be helpful to write out key points or use visual metaphors. Remember, for visual learners, seeing really is believing.

The Auditory Learner

Auditory learners, as the name suggests, learn best through listening. They have a knack for remembering what they hear and might find it easier to understand spoken instructions over written ones. These learners often benefit from discussions, lectures, and audio recordings. They might enjoy reading out loud or using mnemonic devices that are based on sounds, like rhymes or songs.

Consider the water cycle example again. An auditory learner might benefit from a detailed verbal explanation of the cycle, or from listening to a song or rhyme about how the water cycle works. They might also enjoy explaining the process to someone else, as this allows them to engage with the information in an auditory way.

When supporting an auditory learner, try to use verbal communication as much as possible. Discuss new concepts with them, encourage them to explain things back to you, and consider using audio resources like educational podcasts or audiobooks. It’s also worth remembering that auditory learners might be more sensitive to noise distractions when they’re trying to concentrate, so a quiet study environment can be particularly helpful.

The Kinesthetic Learner

Kinesthetic learners, also known as tactile learners, learn best through hands-on experiences. They often prefer to learn by doing and may struggle with sitting still for long periods of time. Kinesthetic learners might enjoy activities that involve movement, such as experiments, role-playing, or building models.

Returning to our water cycle example, a kinesthetic learner might benefit from acting out the stages of the water cycle or from building a mini water cycle model. This tactile engagement with the concept can make it more memorable and meaningful to them.

To support kinesthetic learners, aim to incorporate as much physical activity into their learning as possible. This might mean taking field trips to supplement classroom learning, using physical objects to illustrate concepts, or encouraging them to take short breaks to move around during study sessions. Remember, for kinesthetic learners, the world is their classroom.

How to Identify Your Child’s Learning Style

Identifying your child’s learning style can be done through careful observation, discussion, and sometimes, formal assessments. Notice how your child interacts with the world around them. Do they seem to remember information better after reading it, hearing it, or doing something with it? When they explain something to you, do they paint a visual picture, tell a story, or mimic an action?

You can also consult with their teachers to gain insight into how your child learns in the classroom. Teachers spend a lot of time observing students and can often provide valuable insights into their learning styles. Some schools may also offer learning style assessments, which can provide a more formal understanding of your child’s learning preferences.

Additionally, consider having a discussion with your child about how they prefer to learn. They might already have a good sense of what works for them and what doesn’t. However, it’s important to remember that learning styles can change over time, so it’s beneficial to periodically reassess your child’s learning style.

Adapting Your Approach Based on Your Child’s Learning Style

Once you understand your child’s learning style, you can adapt your approach to support their learning better. This doesn’t mean you should only use methods that align with their dominant style, but rather, you should try to present information in a way that complements their natural tendencies.

For visual learners, use plenty of visual aids, encourage them to take notes, and use diagrams or mind maps to illustrate complex ideas. For auditory learners, engage them in discussions, use verbal instructions, and consider audio resources. For kinesthetic learners, incorporate hands-on activities, encourage them to use their bodies to learn, and provide regular breaks to move around.

However, it’s also crucial to encourage your child to develop their skills in other learning styles. While it’s important to respect their natural inclinations, it’s also beneficial to present them with a variety of learning experiences. This can help them become more adaptable learners and equip them with a broader range of study strategies.


Understanding your child’s learning style can be a powerful tool in supporting their educational journey. Whether your child is a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner, tailoring their learning experiences to their unique style can lead to improved understanding, better retention, and a more positive attitude towards learning.

However, it’s essential to remember that everyone uses a combination of learning styles, and the goal is not to box your child into a specific style, but rather to understand their preferences and strengths. By doing so, you can provide a more personalised learning experience that respects their individuality and fosters their innate curiosity.

The journey to understanding your child’s learning style is one of observation, discussion, and adaptability. It’s a process that not only enhances your child’s learning but also strengthens your bond with them as you engage more deeply with their unique way of interacting with the world.

So, let’s embrace our children’s individual learning styles and help them unlock their full potential. After all, every child deserves a learning experience that caters to their unique needs and abilities.